Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Young Geriatrics

I am just like a geriatric with a lot of problem.

Rigid neck. Frozen shoulder. Back pain.
And lately, I found myself with serious problem on my knee.
To be precise, my joints and muscle. Severely pain and stiffed!

Next, my eyes.
Tired and strained eyes.
Blurred vision sometimes ( as if I had taken anti-cholinergics)
FYI, I am actually half-blinded with my thick specs off.

As if my brain is overworked.
Overloaded with too much thoughts and worries.

I am just like an old woman.
A young geriatric.

I am pretty sure that these are ALL my fault.
I am not good in taking care of my own health, my own body.
Having a bad posture while reading.
Static for hours while studying or doing assignments.
Caffeine addiction.
Overworking brain.
Radiation exposure.
Over-strained eyes on laptop and handphone.
Poor diet.
Skipped breakfast, sometimes.

As a healthcare professional, i should have know all the good things for health.
It is never easy to take it into action.
I am more than worrying, somehow.
I just couldn't make a promise to myself to take care of my own health.

I guess I need a reminder, from friends and family.
To all, please do remind ME:

1. Do exercise, but never overwork it (as it may injured your joints and muscles)
2. Cut down caffeine intake ( A big challenge. To me, especially. The aroma of coffee is just so tempting)
3. Rest your eyes for 1 mins by looking far away or close your eyes, every 30 mins of work on eyes. ( Is so hard as i never get it done well.)
4. Stretch yourself after motionless for some time while working. MOVE IT! MOVE IT!
5. Breakfast is a MUST
6. Have a balanced diet.
7. Relax yourself. RELAX. Physically and mentally.
8.  Try your best to have enough sleep. In short, sleep whenever you got a chance!
9. Drink more water. Keep HYDRATED!
10. Don't worry, be happy.

All those rules of health are so simple, yet hard to be applied.
I wonder why?

I understand that it is much more easier to say it than do it.
Effort is needed, i know.

I am hoping for a better tomorrow.
BUT before that,
I should be a better me, from NOW onwards.

I am geriatric young!!!!!!!!!!

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